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The Marc Chamot Report: Scott Roeder's Tiller Killing Sends Chills & FEARS to Liberal Politicians & Legal Immigrants Abandoning California/U.S. & They're Taking their Wealth

The Marc Chamot Report: Scott Roeder's Tiller Killing Sends Chills & FEARS to Liberal Politicians & Legal Immigrants Abandoning California/U.S. & They're Taking their Wealth

Friday, April 2, 2010

Scott Roeder's Tiller Killing Sends Chills & FEARS to Liberal Politicians & Legal Immigrants Abandoning California/U.S. & They're Taking their Wealth

Scott Roeder's Tiller Killing Sends BIG Chills & FEARS to Liberal Left Politicians & Legal Immigrants Abandoning California/U.S. & They're Taking their Wealth With Them:
By Marc Chamot

Today is Friday; I’m going to entwine two different stories into one huge topic. The Scott Roeder’s Kansas abortion killing, and the sad economical state in our country, things just not getting any better, it’s getting worse.

I’m once again giving my untainted, ACID laced, and sober, angry rants as to what the heck is going on in my country.

Percentage of immigrants in California decreasing For the first time in 50 years, the percentage of foreign-born residents living in California began decreasing in 2008, and the numbers will likely continue dropping, according to a USC study released Wednesday.

According to the report by USC demographics professor Dowell Myers and senior researcher John Pitkin, the immigrant population could return close to its 2000 level sometime this year.”

Both California and the U.S. are experiencing floods of legal and illegal immigrants leaving the country and the state.

Most are heading back to their countries of origins. Unfortunately for the wealthy immigrants who made their entire wealth on the backs of this great giving nation, the U.S. of A, my country has become more of an economic liability for them to keep on living here. And there's going to be even more money taken out of our economy in California and the United States, which means less tax revenues and less merchandises’ being bought by people.

But hey, thanks a whole lot! After years of coming here, with greater opportunities in working secured high paying jobs, and after stripping our national wealth, by sending trillions of dollars throughout the years abroad, and now you’ve got those cheaper villas built back in your home countries, where the dollar lets you live like a king, and where as the rest of us here in America land are still living like paupers.

Now that our past American politicians have left this country in total economical and immigration chaos, my country totally broke; immigrants are leaving us high and dry and left US holding the national debt bags.

Thanks to the lame Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which OPENED up the floodgates of legal and illegal immigrants into this country that was proposed by United States Representative Emanuel Celler of New York and co-sponsored by United States Senator Philip Hart of Michigan (known as "the Conscience of the Senate"), and was heavily supported by United States Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts - all Democrats.[1]

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 called for the elimination of The National Origins Formula, which was an American system of immigration quotas, between 1921 and 1965, which restricted immigration on the basis of existing proportions of the population.

The goal was to maintain the existing ethnic composition of the United States. It had the effect of giving low quotas to Eastern and Southern Europe. Opposition mainly came from conservative Republicans and Southern Democrats. On October 3, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the legislation into law.

This 1965 law opened up the floodgates of some disloyal foreigners who only came here to exploit our financial opportunities’ for their own and families’ personal benefits abroad.

So what these idiotic former President Lyndon B. Johnson signed with the then Democratic majorities in the House and Senate forty-five years ago, my country is feeling the repercussions’ of it now.

But whoa there, wait a minute Marc Chamot! Weren’t you once an immigrant yourself?

I’m not saying all immigrants fall into that category, I’m sure that there are millions like me, who are loyal Americans and want to see America the way it was before the nineteen-seventies. As to what the above in the National Origins Formula, said “the goal was to maintain the existing ethnic composition of the United States” they really succeeded in destroying our American culture today.

Not only, our ethnicity dominance in America was at stake, where whites, American Indians and African Americans are fast becoming minorities from former majorities in this great land of ours. Our economic stability was also being severely damaged, by those ingrates’ in the U.S. congress and by some of the people they have allowed to come here.

I got this comment from a British reader the other day, “Interesting to read what's going on in the US, from here in the UK, seems like you are being lumbered with the same sort of policies that have been ruining this country over recent years.” about the Marc Chamot Report on

My British reader hit it right on the proverbial nail! We’re lucky though, and thank GOD to that. Our foreign invasions into this country for the past decades, have mainly been from non-terroristic countries, like Central and South America and Asia. Unlike the British, they have a real cancer in their hands; they have allowed dangerous Islamic extremists, religious fascists and terrorists into theirs.

Even though I’m Pro-Life, and don’t support gay marriages, I’m not a RABID advocate for those issues as others. And certainly, it’s not worth to take some ones’ life over it.

It’s shocking, the energy and the extreme angers and violence that go behind those two issues, especially when we’ve got bigger disasters on our hands, like massive unemployment’s, lack of job availabilities for most Americans, national debts, and deficits way out of control, which may even bankrupt our once fine nation and amnesties for illegal aliens in the works. It’s absolute chaos.

With the late-term abortionist doctor, George Tiller’s killing, Scott Roeder, the killer inadvertently did something that most folks don’t realize. He won his fight, he actually won his abortion war in Kansas, and it really doesn’t matter if he’s going to be locked up for over fifty-years, he’s going to be a hero in some people’s eyes, especially his own.

After the doctor’s killing, it’s become harder to get an abortion in Kansas. George Tiller’s old clinic is closed; the state has no other facility where women can have the procedure after 21 weeks of pregnancy.

No one has even DARED to come in after Tiller’s killing. And the state is formulating a new law to avoid having another Dr Tiller from ever coming to Kansas again. “The national anti-abortion movement has a tremendous VICTORY here,” said Dr. Warren Hern, a Colorado late term abortionist. Scott Roeder accomplished exactly what he wanted, period. It’s a VERY powerful thing that Scott Roeder did, had he been executed, he could have been a martyr for the cause. See full story: Kansas abortions down - killer to be sentenced

But then again, how far is somebody willing to protect the decimating of the American constitution? This is a powerful example of what people do when their beliefs are being totally ignored by government, and even though the abortion and gay marriages aren’t as explosive to most, unlike the economical, jobs and immigration issues and going after the culpable parties, i.e. INEPT Left-Wing Washington and state politicians’ HIDES, is a stark possibility. Just imagine what kind of message it would send, if an angry believer should decide to ACT? It’s something to think about, eh?

More on the Immigration Reports:
While previous forecasts predicted that California's immigrant population - which was 26.2 percent in 2000 - would rise to 30 percent by 2020, the latest study found that the foreign-born population rose by just 1.2 percent, then began slipping backward in 2008.

The report found that immigrant arrivals in California declined more sharply than in the rest of the nation, with arrivals in Los Angeles County falling even more.

"The peak and decline of the foreign-born population has occurred earlier than expected, largely due to the sharp declines in new immigrant arrivals that are accompanying the economic downturn," said Myers, a professor in the USC School of Policy, Planning and Development. "Meanwhile, the transition to a homegrown majority occurred as early as 2000 in the state as a whole, but was slower to come to Southern California."

According to the study, the percentage of foreign-born residents in Los Angeles County was expected to dip by 1.2 percent between 2000 and this year.

The study found that the foreign-born population in Los Angeles County fell from 36.2 percent in 2000 to 35.2 percent in 2008. In Orange County, the number remained relatively stagnant, going from 29.9 percent in 2000 to 30 percent in 2008.

Statewide, the foreign-born population rose slightly from 26.2 percent to 26.8 percent.

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